Wednesday 24 December 2014


I wonder if sometimes you really think of fashion as about one of the most inspirational thins in your life. I live in the world of Fashion for few years. I am a new girl. But I find new things every day. My blog has more than 100,000 views and that's a lot. I am thankful to people who open my blog and read what I am going trough.
Fashion is not that easy. Sometimes, people don't get it. But you have to be patient and careful, if you don't understand something today, you will get it tomorrow. I want to tell you about my inspiration at this post, about people who influence on me and about my fashion.

Every time I think about fashion, I try to understand what do we all live for. My life is all about watching and mentioning details. I love watching fashion shows as much as I love watching my friends partying and dancing. I never dance or drink, I just watch and get a kind of impression, I get fresh memories which inspire me for next posts. Fashion life is a little bit different. I want to be everywhere. Sometimes, I wish I had 3 or 4 bodies at once, so I could do a make up, take photos and pose by myself. I have a lot of ideas and sometimes it's pretty hard to show them to you the way I see, because everyone who work with me have their own opinion.
I never compare people in the fashion world. They all are so different. From fashion bloggers to historics of art and editors. They all are so beautiful, and to be honest,they are beautiful inside more than outside. I mean look at their beautiful outfits, or make up ideas, but without their ideas and their life views we would never see the results.

Fashion history is really important. It makes me speechless. People thousands of years ago knew everything. They were creating such beautiful fabrics and silhouettes. We live in XXI and I am proud to be a part of Y generation. We are not scared of anything, we are free and we can do anything we like. We have technologies and the future depends on us.

What inspires me? This is the most difficult question. I get inspiration from everywhere. From centuries, decades, vintage objects, clouds, space, people. I understand that our lives are so short, we have to do so many things.
Just look at the night sky, does it inspire you?
Every time I visit a fashion show, I get inspiration. And it's not about the show, it's about the process. Lights, music, fabrics,catwalks, models.
Love is one of the reasons we live. We take a lot of inspiration from love.
I love being in love by the way. I think love is the most powerful thing in the world (except fashion). I take inspiration from people who make me speechless. I am not talking about relationships, what is really different. Having a crush on someone and taking inspiration from his words and actions is really powerful, sometimes that person doesn't even need to know, that you like him.

Few words about this photoshoot. I was my own stylist and artist. I called my friend Alexandr Lopatin and we made a photoshoot. I fell in love with these pictures. Sasha saw my outfits the way I saw. We had the same views and that's why we did some great shots. We made 4 outfits in 2 hours. That was impossible.
I got inspired by 2014 and cyber kids, pop and punk cultures and late 90's. 


  1. Эта статья прекрасна!!! Поздравляю тебя с такой большой цифрой! Надеюсь в следующем году ты наберёшь уже 500.000!Удачи в развитии блога и тебе!

  2. О боже, у меня чуть эпилепсия не случилась
