Monday, 20 April 2015

A LA RUSSE fall 15/16

So many things happened previous week. I got a little bit tired of being a guest. No, fashion shows are never boring, but waiting few hours for 15 minutes of heaven sometimes are really exhausting.

Last Thursday I visited A LA RUSSE fashion show. I've heard of that brand before, but I've never been into it really. 
The event was on -1 floor of TSVETNOY (it's one of the coolest shopping centers in Moscow). I took my friends and we got in. I was so tired I did not event want to go, but I had a feeling like I had to be there. My feelings didn't lie to me. The show was perfect.

Eclectic variations of feathers on sweaters and sparkly dresses. Late 70's inspired silhouettes and 90's stylish tiny dresses on models. Grey, black and glitter - few outfits made me blind, they were really shiny and they were combined really well with fur gloves. 
Collection also included V necks on dresses, shimmer skirts with long coats and silk tops. Silhouettes were in a strong cooperation with the style, but at the final point we could feel 90's more.
Models' faces were covered with some glitter and they looked really shiny, but their hair looked undone and it was fixed with black elastic bands. 2 different styles mixed at once and we got a perfect result.

But few minutes before the show I wanted to leave that place. Managers didn't let me in, I was so angry. They said bloggers go last. I was so mad. Russian people still don't get the importance and influence of bloggers. We are not a kind of press, we are your future. If a magazine can mention you once a year, we are able to promote you every week of the month, including your latest updates in our posts and mentioning you in every interview we give. I am not talking about disrespecting fashion editors, they deserve to get inside first for sure, I am just talking about starting treating bloggers the same way.
In my country it's really important to let celebrities in first, and it does't matter what kind of blogger are you. At the final point bloggers get the worst places on fashion shows and get inside last, so they have no ability to take some good pictures for their instagrams and blogs and they have no ability to see textures and fabrics closely. That's why brands have less materials than they are expecting.

When I finally got in, I fell in love and I forgot about previous 50 minutes I spent in a queue. I literally screamed when I saw the first shiny outfit. The collection was oh so me! I wish I could wear literally the whole collection. I got so crazy about each outfit. I suddenly felt proud of Russian fashion.

Next time I am coming to A LA RUSSE fashion show, I will arrive later than anyone, so I can easily get inside without being pushed in a queue by hundreds of unknown celebrities which give nothing but a good rating of the event.

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